2023 RULES AND REGULATIONS updated | 2023 Rate Schedule |
2024 Updates
Effective January 1st, 2024 per Board Approval, cash payments will no longer be accepted. Payment may be made via check, money order or electronically at www.pikewater.org. Also, effective January 1st, 2024 per Board Approval, access to the Authority will be by appointment only. A Drop Box made available at the gate for payments that are not being sent in the mail.
A pump system will be replaced at the Ridge 1 Pump Station for the Pike Township Municipal Authority on Monday March 31, 2025. This will cause a temporary outage for the following areas: Naulton Road, Morgan Road and Maxville Road.
Hydrant Flushing for the Pike Township Municipal Authority will begin on April 8,2025 at 8:30 AM and continue each day until complete through May 9, 2025. Low pressure and some discoloration can be expected during this time.
System maintenance will occur on Wednesday April 2, 2025. This will cause a temporary outage for the following areas: Jo-Lin Acres
As part of our compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) we provide an Annual Water Quality Report, also known as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). This report summarizes information about the water we deliver.
Read ReportsIn 2013 the Pike Township Municipal Authority went above and beyond the compliance standards set for safe drinking water. These additional efforts earned us the prestigious Partnership For Safe Water Directors Award.
Learn MoreIn an effort to better serve the needs of our customers we have recently added Online Bill Pay. You can now pay your bill online with a Check or Credit Card by clicking the Pay Now button below to be redirected to our Payment page.
Pay NowThis website is for informational purposes only. It is not maintained or updated regularly. Any meeting agendas can be attained by contacting our office.